Relationship health check

We easily forget that a relationship is a blend of two people and their collective personalities. The way our traits, approaches or personality styles mix together is how our relationships are defined.


This post attempts to create template to help you think of the different aspects of your relationship. There isn’t any practical element to this article….it’s just food for thought. It’s important to remember there isn’t necessarily a ‘right or wrong’ style, just how these styles create a couple’s unique ‘fit’. I’ve given some questions around each area but they are, by no way, exclusive…..just something to begin to prompt your thinking.

Stress Management

How does each of you response to stress? What techniques are you using when stress is anticipated? I.e. avoidance / internalising / whirlpool thinking? How does each of you give off signals that they are stressed?


How each of you puts themselves across? How much flow is there between speaking & listening? How open are each of you expressing how you are feeling?

Who’s likely to initiate a conversation about things between you?

Knowledge of partner

Do we have a understanding of our partners hopes & dreams? This means future and current aspirations. How well are we aware of our partners fears? Fears have strong influence on our behaviour….E.g. fear of failure, fear of being judged etc. etc. etc

Conflict Resolution

How is conflict managed? How long does it last & who initiates you coming back together? Is conflict the only time you both speak your minds? Do you notice you resolve a subject or is it pushed back under the carpet?

Self Management

How well can you identify your own strengths & weaknesses? How connected are you both to your feelings, and how do you manage your feelings? How do you both approach achieving something that you’ve set as a goal?

Sex & Romance

What does sex mean to each of you? I.e. is it about connection or signs of caring? What are your attitude towards sex and how does that influence your approach to it? Intimacy, what does this mean to you & how important is it?

Life Skills

How do you both approach money management? How we feel about getting/keeping healthy? How we operate in social settings or how we organise friendships?


Communication exercise